About Terimee

Why Choose Us

1 The first Natural Micro Aesthetics 首家独创 自然微整型!
唯有特丽美特丽美自创自然微整 自然抽脂特丽美从1997年开创至今,不断研发改进,由传统美容院到今日的自然微整、自然抽脂,开创特丽美双赢的蓝海策略。提倡不开刀、不打针、不吃药也能达到微整式的惊人效果,令人惊叹!
2 The First Natural Lipo Slimming Plasty首家独创 自然抽脂 !
FACE : 3D DIY Micro Lipo give you comprehensive age-reversing effects. Have a V-Shape Face Without syringes, operation, liposuction or osteotomy. 亮白紧致, 重塑轮廓, 打造3D V型娇颜, 由内而外的自然微整型 不打针, 不肖骨, 不开刀, 不风险.

The unique formula helps empower skin to ‘defy’ gravity by helping rebuild firming natural collagen with antioxidant and antibacterial ingredients to purity and minimize pores,relaxes face muscle and shape up face contour at the same time.修饰多余脸部轮廓,收紧松弛轮廓,让立体V形脸展现无遗,同时具有放松肌肉、修饰脸部线条等功效。

BODY : The fat cells will be emulsified, liquefied and discharge through perspiration, urination, defecation and even through flatus .Dr Hankker自然抽脂会转变成身体的排汗或排出气体,或排便排尿给排泄出来,同时也在进行填补皮肤附属物和收紧肌肉层的功效, 帮助皮肤收紧不松垮效果.

3 Slimming Impact 63KG 首家63公斤,不吃药物, 不开刀, 不风险.自然抽脂 !
Increase metabolism,blood circulation,cells regeneration,reinforcement of cells antioxidant function,restore the balance of healthy fat index,reduce edema,detox, obese,cellulite and aging muscle, improving health in addition to adjusts, tones,slims and firms body figure.此配套是针对内新陈代谢,血液循环,激活老化的细胞,使细胞抗氧化功能增强,恢复健康脂肪的平衡指数,水肿,毒素累计,痴肥,蜂窝组织,达到体内体外的完美瘦身.


About Us

Established in 1997 and rising above stiff competition over the years, Terimee is hailed as one of the most trusted slimming centres in the Malaysian beauty & Slimming industry. With the Golden Bull Award under our feathers, Terimee has soared from the Top 100 positions in 2005 to an impressive Top 6 in 2006. This recognition is a testament of our commitment towards the ultimate beauty & Slimming breakthrough. From slimming programmes, beauty care to body & mind therapy, Terimee’s wide range of services and therapy extends to hair removal, bust enhancement, facial therapy and manicure. Our new one-stop centre concept also integrates a fitness area with gyms and workout classes all in a single location for your convenience. And, through the inception of a beauty academy under the Terimee brand name, we are strengthening our stronghold in the beauty & Slimming care industry with our holistic learning approach, course quality and professionalism. We are confident of bringing the industry to greater heights by nurturing and producing generations of skilled and knowledgeable beauticians. Furthermore, the dedication of Terimee in helping individuals regain their confidence and beauty is further heightened with our annual activities. Our much anticipated Terimee Slimming Challenge and Forever Slim Contest proves to be highly successful events that showcase Terimee’s breakthrough slimming solutions and striking results. Achieve a balance state of overall well being and experience transformation for a healthier and beautiful self with Terimee.

成立于1997年,多年来在竞争剧烈环境中不断突破,特丽美今已在马来西亚美容业建立坚稳的根基,成为国内最值得信赖的美容瘦身中心之一。不仅如此,特丽美于2005年凭着实力入选为“金牛奖”100家顶尖企业,并于2006年在名列第六名。这些奖项,突显特丽美多年来努力不竭在美容瘦身事业上屡创佳绩的精神。除了瘦身计划、美容护理到身心护理,特丽美广泛的服务和护理也延伸至去除毛发、胸部提升护理、脸部护理和美甲护理。我们全新的一站式中心,包括设备齐全的健身区和健身班,让你在同一地点,享尽一切便利。同时,在特丽美的品牌之下成立的美容学院,我们通过全面、高素质和专业的教学,培训杰出的人才,使我们的美容业王国进一步巩固。随着培训新一代有技能和知识的美容师,我们更有信心在这行业创立更高的指标。特丽美协助人们重拾自信,“美丽”更是常年活动中所强调的。“特丽美瘦身大挑战赛(Terimee Slimming Challenge)”和“长瘦大挑战(Forever Slim Contest)”成功的举办,展现出特丽美的瘦身计划的凑效和让人眼前一亮的骄人成绩。 欢迎你与特丽美携手同行,体验平衡全面的转变,重塑健康亮丽的自我。

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Our Work

  • Grace Leong


  • Max Ho


  • Chen Jen Ying

    减肥成功后变兼职模特儿!减肥前 63kg, 减肥后 54 kg, 总减 9kg! "2004 年,我参加了瘦身大挑战并夺得了冠军。接下来,我分别在 2006 年及…


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