Category Archives: 3D DIY MICRO LIPO

Creates a V-shape face, visibly tightens, lifts and firms the face to rebuild skin’s youthful appearance. The unique formula helps empower skin to ‘defy’ gravity by helping rebuild firming natural collagen with antioxidant and antibacterial ingredients to purity and minimize pores. relaxes face muscle and shape up face contour at the same time.
打造立体V形脸,修饰多余脸部轮廓,收紧松弛轮廓,让立体V形脸展现无遗,有达到紧实功效,有抗氧化、抗菌作用,去除毛囊阻塞问题,可净化及收缩粗大毛孔, 同时具有放松肌肉、修饰脸部线条等功效。

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